recipients of the imtiyaz medal in Chinese
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- medal
- n. 奖章;徽章;勋章;纪念章;证章。 a medal of honor 〔美国〕荣誉勋章。 a prize medal 奖章[牌]。 a medal bar 〔美国〕胜利纪念章。 a war medal 从军纪念章。 vt. 授予…奖章。 M- for Merit 〔美国〕功绩奖章〔对有特殊功绩的非军事人员所发的军事奖章〕。 M- of Freedom 〔美国〕自...
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What is the meaning of recipients of the imtiyaz medal in Chinese and how to say recipients of the imtiyaz medal in Chinese? recipients of the imtiyaz medal Chinese meaning, recipients of the imtiyaz medal的中文,recipients of the imtiyaz medal的中文,recipients of the imtiyaz medal的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by